For new members/accounts! Try your first week of unlimited classes with us for only $29! Create an account by visiting the SIGN-IN link in the navigation bar, look for MY ACCOUNT > BUY CLASSES. We look forward to welcoming you!
We are located in an old Finnish church at the corner of Milton Street and Victoria Road at 156 Victoria Road.
Door opens 10-minutes before class start time. Entrance will be locked as soon classes start to ensure safety is maintained during classes, and to allow us to start on time so we can get you all out on time. Please be on time to avoid the disappointment of the door being locked when you arrive!
If you are coming for your first time – please arrive 10-minutes in advance to ensure your legal documentation is completed to minimize the risk of injury. If you wish to print the PAR-Q+ form out and complete it before arriving at the studio, it will help save you a little time, we will have you fill out a liability/waiver release form, as well.
Please wear/bring:
NO CELL PHONES DURING CLASS: Our hope is that our participants may come and forget about communication with the outside world for an hour to escape inward and pull from deep within. Please ensure your cell phones are turned off to allow others the opportunity to enjoy this freedom from distractions. If it is an emergency situation, we are welcome to discuss this with you on a case by case basis.
Have a great time, relax, remember you are in a safe environment, push to the beat, and push your comfort levels. You have to break through new ceilings, and you can only do that through being a little uncomfortable, but know your limits and train within them.
SPIN is a fantastically low-impact cardiovascular-enhancing activity! The importance of exercising your heart lies within developing its capacity. Increasing the capacity of your heart means increasing its stroke volume. If you have a heart rate monitor, this is a great way to observe your heart rate over time (and highly recommended for training!).
As the heart is exercised, it grows bigger, and so do the chambers of the heart. As more blood can accumulate in the larger chambers, more can be moved as it is pumped out of the heart and to the rest of the body, making the distribution of oxygenated blood more efficient, needing to beat less over time, in hopes of giving your heart the longest life possible.
This activity isn’t meant to push your limits by racing; rather, it is meant to train and develop your cardiovascular system, giving your body time to develop its capacity. We want to offer you a safe and fun environment to do so. Take your time, listen to your body, push your limits, work hard, work it out, and leave it all in class. Every session, you should push yourself just that much more to continually increase your capacity.
Aerobic (and anaerobic-only once trained) activity helps condition your heart and you should only exercise at levels you feel comfortable with. Listen to your body, as it knows what it can handle. If you feel any discomfort, try easing the intensity to match your comfort level. If you feel the pain doesn’t subside, and you have safely recovered from an elevated heart rate, please stop cycling. Never get off a bike at your highest heart rate without a good moderate-intensity cool down, as this could endanger the proper recovery of all systems.
We want you to enjoy your workout. Listen to your body – but be sure to dig deep and leave nothing behind. You’ve got this.
When you come to our studio you will find yourself slipping into our space with an ease and grace that serves both mind and body. We have structured all of our class offerings to compliment the intense cardio activity in the spin studio. Whether you're coming to strengthen or stretch out the body or unwind the mind you will leave our facility feeling completely nourished.
Please come prepared with comfortable and warm clothing, a water bottle and your yoga mat. If you have just taken a spin class, ensure you bring a change of clothes so you don't get a chill.
You can now book all of your classes at ZEN REVOLUTION YOGA + SPIN online. Create an account, purchase the series that is aligned with your needs and sign up for classes!